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Aksi Ragam Arif Jiwa Asyraf

Biodata Arif Jiwa Asyraf, Cucu Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza

Arif Jiwa Asyraf merupakan cucu kepada penyanyi tersohor Malaysia, Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza. Beliau merupakan anak kepada Asyraf Khalid (anak tiri Datik Siti) dan isterinya, Tya Arifin (pelakon dari Indonesia) yang bernikah pada 1 November 2015.

“Nama Arif diambil daripada nama bapa isteri saya, Arifin. Nama Jiwa pula diambil daripada nama arwah datuk saya. Apabila menyebut nama arwah datuk, selalunya saya akan ingat perkara yang baik. Arwah sangat pemurah dan dia suka menggembirakan orang lain,”
– Asyraf Khalid

Biodata Arif Jiwa Asyraf

  • Nama Penuh: Arif Jiwa Asyraf
  • Gelaran Manja: pipiPao
  • Tempat Lahir: Hospital Ampang Puteri, Ampang
  • Tarikh Lahir: 31 Mac 2017
  • Waktu Lahir: 4.33 petang
  • Umur: 2 Tahun (2019)
  • Adik-beradik: Anak pertama
  • Nama Ibubapa: Asyraf Khalid (ayah) dan Tya Arifin (ibu)
  • Agama: Islam
  • Bangsa: Melayu
  • Warganegara: Malaysia
  • Karier: Instafamous / Si Cilik Popular
  • Pencapaian: Pemenang Si Cilik MeleTOP pada Anugerah MeleTOP Era 2018 (AME2018)
  • Instagram (IG): @arifjiwaasyraf

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This is the exact moment when my son was born. Today is the 3rd day i became a father. Praise to Allah, my wife, Tya delivered a baby boy on the 31st March 2017, at Ampang Puteri Hospital. We named our son, Arif Jiwa, in honour of our fathers, ARIFin & Khalid JIWA. For me, they were the unsung hero, but because of them, we became who we are today, because of my father, i got the best education, i got to live in comfort, i was surrounded by amazing people in my life & i am really really blessed to have a father like mine, because he really love & care about his sons, & would do anything to protect them & simply give the best for us. Eventho Mama was the one taking care of us at home, Ayah was the one outside, Hustling, working hard, never giving up, in the name of his family. So, i told my wife, i want to name our son, Arif Khalid or Arif Jiwa. The experience was so amazing for me. I have a new found respect for my mother. Going thru this past 9 months with my wife, i trully understand what kind of experience they have to go thru. The endless pain & suffer they have to endure, it's just crazy. I'm so blessed to have a mother like mine, who is always there for us, who went thru everything & sacrifice her whole life for us, to have a house and make it our home, & to make sure we are well protected when ayah is away working. Now i really understand why Mother is put 1st before anyone else. This experience is a blessing from Allah, & i'm thankful that Allah ease everything for us. To Arif Jiwa, please don't grow so fast, & be a good boy. I love you baby. To Arif's mummy, you're the strongest person i know, & i'm so proud of you sayang.

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Aksi Ragam Arif Jiwa Asyraf

Aksi Tidur Arif Jiwa Asyraf

Arif Jiwa Asyraf Comel Sedang Tidur

Datuk K Bersama Anaknya Siti Aafiyah Dan Cucunya Arif Jiwa Asyraf

Foto Arif Jiwa Asyraf Dan Siti Aafiyah Ketika Kecil

Gambar Arif Jiwa Asyraf 2 Tahun

Gambar Arif Jiwa

Kanak Kanak Muslim Arif Jiwa Asyraf

Si Cilik Arif Jiwa Asyraf Berfesyen

Tak Malu Arif Jiwa Asyraf Tak Pakai Baju

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